
1 Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, Shoushtar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shoushtar, Iran

2 PhD Student , Department of Public Administration, Shoushtar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shoushtar, Iran



The process of socialization of newcomers is one of the most important duties of human resource management in relation to workforce. Organizations should provide opportunities to make the staff familiar with the mission, goals, occupational duties, and desirable values ​​of the organization to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness and achieve competitive advantage. Organizations align and adapt individual attitudes, values ​​and behaviors to the desirable organizational values, norms and behaviors by means of systematic and continuous structuring of staff’s behavior. If the socialization process is implemented properly and purposefully, it will decline the organization’s costs, enhance the commitment, loyalty and efficiency of the staff, and decrease the demand for leaving the organizations. In the present paper, it has been tried to address the concept of organizational socialization and its institutionalization methods through using scientific sources and the analytical method.
