Document Type : Research Article (Quantitative)


Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran.



Environmental attitudes of people have a great role in preserving and optimizing the ecological environment of humans. Spirituality as an important human factor can explain many of our social behaviors.The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between spiritual intelligence and environmental attitudes among students of Payame Noor University in Bojnourd. The methodology of this study is descriptive and correlational according to the nature of the subject and the desired goals. The statistical population of this study consists of 315 students selected by random sampling. To measure the variables of the research, King's Spiritual Intelligence Questionnaire (SISRI) (2008) and Environmental Thought Questionnaire (Thumpson & Bertton, 1994) were used. The results of the analysis showed that the components of spiritual intelligence can predict the environmental attitudes of Payame Noor University students (P <.5). The scores indicate that if one unit increases in the consciousness awareness and awareness variable, we will increase the amount of 20 hundredths of units in the environmental attitude. Also, an increase in the critical thinking and production of meaning scores will increase by 31% and 21% respectively in students' environmental attitudes. The way to a sustainable society in contemporary societies is to pay attention to the environment in any society, the nature of environmental attitudes is based on the values that the citizens of each society must have equipped to lead to ecological behaviors. Spiritual intelligence is one of the factors that facilitates and strengthens ethical values and ethical issues and urban world attitudes.
